The BC River Forecast Centre is reporting high than normal snowpacks for both the East Kootenay and the Columbia Valley at this time.
The Forecast Centre released their latest snow basin index this week, covering data up to January 1st.
The measurements show the East Kootenay region is currently at 121 percent of normal while the Upper Columbia region is 140 percent of normal.
This is well above numbers reported last year, with the East Kootenay region 94 percent of normal at the same time in 2021.
Overall, the province has an above average snow pack at 115 per cent of normal.
The BC River Forecast Centre expects heavy rain to hit western parts of the province this week, while the storm system should only add more snow throughout Interior mountain ranges.
You can find more details from the river forecast centre at our website.
(With files and graphics from the BC River Forecast Centre.)